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Super Rat

To those that are familiar with basketball lore "Super Rat" was one of Jim Valvano's nicknames. "Jimmy V" was such an amazing man!!! He was ahead of his time in his recruiting style, rebuilt basketball programs, and won the 1983 NCAA Championship.  His greatest battle; cancer produced his greatest legacy; The Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research. 

Jim Valvano changed the world we live in! 

(let this page serve as a memory to him - please share anything in the guestbook section)


Jim Valvano Quotes

Jim Valvano Video (Room of Dreams) - it is just amazing ...

Jim Valvano Video (addressing crowd at NC State)

The Jimmy V Foundation

How King Rat Became the Big Cheese by Curry Kirkpatrick

I Remember Jim Valvano by Mike Towle

The Gift's of Jimmy V - A Coach's Legacy by Bob Valvano 

"The Promise" - Jim Valvano & Dick Vitale









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